Trade crypto globally
Buy and sell Bitcoin, Ethereum, Tether, and USD Coin without needing a bank account.
Trade crypto with 450+ different payment methods
Send, store, and receive BTC, ETH, USDT and more in your free and secure Paxful cryptocurrency wallet.
Buy and sell Bitcoin, Ethereum, Tether, and USD Coin without needing a bank account.
Send cash or cryptocurrency to anyone, anytime - with faster, cheaper, and simpler transactions enabled by the blockchain.
Earn money by servicing in-demand payment methods at fair rates, while improving global financial access.
Use Paxful to pay directly for goods and services, or buy gift cards at competitive rates.
Swap your fiat currency for stablecoins to hedge inflation or protect against banking issues.
Tap into Paxful’s liquidity, market reach, payment diversification, and security features to instantly scale your business.
Learn how Paxful is changing the lives of thousands across the globe.